Severe Threats VI
Utilizing a slightly different visualization technique of the SPC's risk/hazard levels, the 6th Severe Threats design gives you the ability to include a slightly higher level of risk specificity for each hazard. Severe Risks 6 gives you two stages for each risk category, with a total of 10 different risk levels. Also included is a more traditional risk level display, of course utilizing the design elements that make Severe Risks 6 unique.
With the 10-stage risk level variant, the risk categories (marginal, slight, enhanced, moderate, and high) come with a low and and a high end. This can be used, in theory, to indicate a higher level "marginal" risk day over a lower end "marginal" risk day. Another way this may come in handy is to help indicate if a certain severe hazard is "hatched", with the second available stage for each risk level being used to indicate whether or not the specific hazard has been hatched. Or, you can ignore the available first stage of each risk category and only use the risk category bar with both color bars visible.
The more traditional included risk bar variant included isn't as modular, and doesn't use the two-stage idea for each risk category. Thus, you can use these if you prefer to avoid the idea of there being two available levels of each risk category.
Both design variants include all needed PNG assets for you to utilize this template in a program of your choice. Each severe hazard bar includes 4 different folders of PNGs:
- Folder 1 displays each bar as seen in the preview/example images in the 10-stage modular risk category variant
- Folder 2 doesn't have the color coded severe hazard to the left of the name of each hazard (meaning the red fade to the left of "tornado" isn't there, but the text is) in the 10-stage modular risk category variant
- Folder 3 is the traditional risk category indicator as seen in the example images
- Folder 4 is the traditional risk category without the color coded severe risk (similar to Folder 2).
Additionally, there's also two folders of blank titled bars, one for each different design variant, letting you write/type in the severe risk type or use the bar in a different setting from a severe risk forecast.
4 background variants in JPG format are included.
The upper third included with this design comes with two variants: one is straight (rectangle), and the other is a slanted version.
As always, the included PSD (Photoshop document) is fully-editable, and is the source document for this project.
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